Fantasiteikning av dyrelivet då Bjorøylaga vart avsette i den yngre delen av juraperioden. (Bogdan Bocianowski)

Fantasy drawing of the animal life that reigned when the Bjorøy layer was deposited during the younger part of the Jurassic Period.

Fantasy drawing of the animal life that reigned when the Bjorøy layer was deposited during the younger part of the Jurassic Period. On land: Dracopelta (left), a plant-eater, and the meat-eating dinosaur Allosaurus (right). Under water: Marine reptile of the animal group Icthyoasurus (farthest left) and Pleisiosaurus (right). Ammonites, a type of squid that lives in a spiral shell, lies on the bottom, while another ammonite swims through the water. (Bogdan Bocianowski)


There are coal bits hidden in the sand under Vatlestraumen. These remains from a geological layer from the Jurassic Period were discovered when the undersea Bjorøy Tunnel was built in 1994. Oil- and gas reservoirs in the Troll Field in the sea west of Hordaland are from the same time. It is, nonetheless, quite surprising to find bedrock from dinosaur time inside of the outer islands of western Norway. On the Scandinavian mainland north of Denmark, there are only a very few places where one f inds rock from this time in earth history.

The tunnel work turned out to be much more difficult than the builders had planned on. In the autumn of 1994, the situation became dramatic. Saltwater gushed out from a borehole, at a rate of about two hundred litres per minute. Along with the water, loose sand and coal fragments entered the tunnel. It appeared that the tunnel workers had come into contact with a roughly 10 metre-wide zone containing loose remains of coal, sand, sandstone and conglomerate.

Though the tunnel-builders despaired, the researchers were very happy for this discovery. The up to 20 cm- large coal fragments are the remains of a coal layer that had been broken up by fault-movements after being deposited. Probably, there was a tree covered coastal plain in this area during the Jurassic Period. Some of the coal fragments are identified as parts of tree trunks or branches, where the structure of the tree is still partially visible. In the sandstones, pollen and spores have been found which indicate delta- or swamp vegetation. There are also finds of microfossils from marine microrgansims.

Analysis of pollen and spores shows that the layers were laid down in late Jurassic time, and are between 155 and 160 million years old. The corresponding layers in the Troll Field are mostly flat-lying. The Bjorøy layer is both tilted on its side and broken due to movements along a fault zone. There have been several episodes of earthquakes, both before and after the Jurassic layer got deposited. It is also exciting to realize from this history that we can expect new earthquakes at Vatlestraumen in the future.

Kart og snitt som viser at juralaga i Nordsjøen forsvinn om lag 10 kilometer vest for dei ytste holmane og skjera på utsida av Sotra. Lenger inn mot kysten er laga fjerna av erosjon, med unntak av juralaga under Vatlestraumen, «Bjorøyfunnet» på figuren. Rørsler langs forkastingar i dette området var årsak til at laga her vart senka ned i ei grøft i jordskorpa. Slik vart erosjonen hindra frå å fjerna laga. Forkastingar ser vi som mørke strekar i snitta. (Haakon Fossen)

Juraperioden varte frå 205 til 147 millionar år sidan. Perioden er kjend som tidsalderen til dinosaurane, jamvel om dei mest imponerande av desse skapningane levde i den påfølgjande krittida. Dei største olje- og gassreservoara i Nordsjøen er å finna i lag frå juratida. I økonomisk forstand er derfor denne perioden av jorda si geologiske fortid den viktigaste for hordalendingane.

See also

Places in muncipality