

Kringlebotnen (Svein Nord).


Close to Hummelfossen (waterfall) there is a narrow path leading up the steep mountainside. The path leads to the farm Kringlebotnen, which lies in the mountain, east of the Stormatre valley.

When the path was built is not known, but the farm was started in 1730 by Lars Torissen (1701-1782). There must have been good natural resources here in hunting and fishing. The path leading up to Hummelfossen was destroyed by a landslide, and in 1853 the people in Kringlebotnen had to apply to Lindås municipality for financial help to repair the road. For some time they had been obliged to use a wooden ladder to climb up the steep mountain face. Today when you come up the path from Hummelfossen you must take a rowing boat across Hummel Lake in order to reach Kringlebotnen. Just before the Liberation in 1945 the farmhouses were burned down by the German forces. New houses have been built, and every year, on a Sunday in August an organised walk goes from Litlematrestølen across Kringlebotnen on to Stordalen: the Bjørn West walk.

See also

Places in muncipality