Otterstadstølen (Bjørn Moe)




Otterstadstølen lies in an idyllic grassy plain surrounded by rich forest, but also with high mountains close by. The mountainsides are steep and typical of this part of the county. The same cannot be said about the forest. This spruce forest has been able to develop freely for hundreds of years. Otherwise in the county, only Voss has spruce forest.

The natural spruce forest at Otterstadstølen is rumored to be the most westerly in the country. Sure enough, one finds naturally seeded spruce further west, but these tree colonies are so small that they cannot be considered forests. At Otterstadsølen spruce grows from 200 to 240 mas. There are higher spruce forests, also, usually occurring as slowly growing low trees and bushes. In the steep hills around the summer farms there is dense forest of big trees. Some of them are perhaps as much as 150 years old. Tree windfalls have created openings which give good light and life to the forest floor.

In the spruce forest, one usually finds ferns and heather. Most places one also finds hanging vines, oak fern and blueberry. Large quantities of deer fern and heath fern tell us that the forest belongs to a district with a moist coastal climate. It is not only in western Norway that spruce forest grows under such climatic conditions. We also find a lot of spruce forest all the way out at the coast in parts of Trøndelag. In the Trøndelag spruce forest a number of species of lichen grow, which are closely associated with the coastal spruce forest. Some of them, like the lichen "hraunglompa", for example, grow on thin branches of spruce in the forests of Otterstadstølen. In this area we also find species that are rare in Western Norway, precisely because there is so little natural spruce forest in this part of the country.

Studies of pollen in layers of the earth suggest that spruce migrated into Otterstadstølen less than 400 years ago. Traces of spruce are younger than traces of humans in this mountain farm area. It is therefore tempting to imagine that the forest has given rise to human activity here. Perhaps it was intentional, but it may also have occurred that the mountain farm folk had with them pine cones, and that seeds fell out and planted themselves. At this time there was spruce forest at Voss, and it was probably these that gave rise to the spruce forest at Otterstadstølen.

Dei store granskogområda austpå har eit anna dyreliv enn det vi til vanleg finn i granplantefelta på Vestlandet. I naturleg granskog er det fleire fellestrekk mellom Austlandet og Vestlandet. Eit godt døme er flaggspetten. Det er ein austleg art som er ein uvanleg hekkefugl hos oss. Men i daude og rotne trestubbar ved Otterstadstølen finn vi talrike spor etter flaggspett, og truleg òg etter andre, som kvitryggspett og gråspett. Også i den naturlege granskogen på Voss er det flaggspett.


I hekketida tek flaggspetten mykje borkbiller og larvar av trebukk. Seinhaustes og om vinteren er føda hans mest berre granfrø. I vintrar med svikt i granfrøproduksjonen austpå kan flaggspetten koma i store tal til Vestlandet, i von om betre matfat. Finn du «spettesmier» – der fuglane har montert konglene for å hakka ut frøa – er det eit prov på at flaggspetten har hatt tilhald i området ei tid.

Til skilnad frå plantegranskogen er den naturlege granskogen meir open. Derfor blir det òg grobotn for fleire planter i skogbotnen, slik som bregnar og blåbær (biletet). (Helge Sunde)

Sauesanking ved Otterstadstølen, Modalen. Bruken av dei store fjellområda har vore ein viktig del av hushaldet i desse bygdene. (Arent Greve)


See also

Places in muncipality