Ein av funksjonærbustadene. (Svein Nord)

One of the employee's homes.

There are many signs in the landscape from the Golden Age at Lykling, both in mining pits and remains of buildings and transport roads. The house to the right was one of the employee's homes. (Svein Nord)

Lykling - gold


During the summer of 1979 a rock was found at Lykling in Bømlo that contained 450 grams of gold, and at the end of the 1980s a great many gold samples were laid out for sale. In the old mining area there are still gold miners hunting for the precious metal. But, the big adventure stories are a thing of the past.

In 1862 a boy found a piece of pure gold at Lykling. The gold piece changed hands, first to a worker, and then to the mining inspector Dr. Dahll, who paid 8 Norwegian crowns for it. But, at that time there hadn't yet been any discoveries of gold from the mountainside there. In 1882, two telegraphers, a farmer and a school teacher, prospected for copper ore. When one of the telegraphers broke open a piece of the source-rock, he found that it still hung together, and that it was gold that was binding the two halves together! With this find, the biggest gold adventure in Norway began. In the period from 1883 until 1989 there was an industrial mining operation, reportedly yielding about 137 kilogrammes of pure gold.

In the old piles of slag off-cuts it is still possible to find gold. It occurs both as clumps and as small grains within quartz veins, together with carbonate and oxide mineral ore, but sometimes also hidden together with pyrite. The veins cut their way through both the gabbro, which dominates in the bedrock, and other intrusive rock types. Inexperienced prospectors can easily confuse pyrite and chalcopyrite with gold. These minerals can nonetheless contain finely pulverized gold. In the Oscarsgangen vein there has even been discoveries of pure silver. Chemical analysis shows that the gold from Lykling can contain 13-25% silver.

In Bømlo there has been experimental operations for gold not just in the Lykling area, but also in Hiskjo and near Meland and Sakseid. In Hordaland outside of Bømlo there are several smaller gold mines, which have their origins in quartz veins. At Hovdaneset near Buavågen in Sveio there was activity in the biggest of several smaller mines, "Niels Berg's Gold mine, right up until 1884. There are also reports of smaller and poorer gold occurrences at Halsnøy and in Hyttevågen near Ølve (R252). In addition, there is a gold-bearing quartz vein on Vernøya Island at Reksteren. Here, the gold occurs together with arsenopyrite ore. On Varaldsøy Island there are proven occurrences of gold in ore that was quarried for pyrite, mainly in the 1860-70s.

Kart som viser dei gullførande kvartsårene (gulbrune strekar). Oscarsgangen er nr. 11. (Knut G. Amaliksen, Haakon Fossen)

Gull har vore kjent og verdsett sidan antikken. Det er eit tungt, haldbart og mjukt metall, som lett kan formast til tynne trådar eller blad. Det har til alle tider vore mykje brukt til smykke,myntar og forgylling. Gullet si gode evne til å leia varme og elektrisk straum gjer at det òg kan nyttast innan elektronikk og romfart. Desse nyttige eigenskapane, knappe førekomstar og høg status gjer gull svært verdifullt. I pris ligg berre platinametall høgare.


Den gjennomsnittlege konsentrasjonen av gull i jordskorpa er så låg som ca. 0,004 gram pr. tonn bergart. For å vera drivverdig må konsentrasjonen minst vera nokre få gram pr. tonn. Vanlegvis finn ein gull i rein form – ikkje bunde til svovel og oksygen slik metall som jern, kopar og bly gjerne er. Gull førekjem normalt som uregelmessige klumpar, trådar og flak som er ujamt fordelte i vertsbergartane, sjeldan i krystallform.


I fast fjell finn ein oftast gull saman med kvarts, koparkis og andre sulfidmineral. Utvinning kan vera primært etter gull, eller som biprodukt frå ulike sulfidmalmførekomstar. Gull kan òg finnast konsentrert i elvesand og elvegrus.

Med kvartsgangane følgjer det gylne striper i berget, høgt verdsette og tunge å utvinna. Stadig nye generasjonar lèt seg fascinera av utsiktene til å finna gull i dei gamle gruvene på Lykling. (Helge Skodvin)

See also

Places in muncipality