Fiske nedst i Etneelva. (Svein Nord)

Fishing in the lower part of Etneelva

Fishing in the lower part of Etneelva. (Svein Nord)

Etne river


There is still life to be found that is just “hanging on a string”. The Etne river has been the most important river for sports- fisherman in Hordaland after salmon fishing in Vosso was temporarily forbidden. As late as 2000, 4 tonnes of salmon and sea trout were taken out of the Etne river, the best fishing for 10 years. In the whole of the county there are only 15-20 rivers that can compete with this haul.

The Etne river - and its branches, the Sør River and Nord River, wind, or "meander", through loose glacial sediments on their journey towards the fjord. The river carves away the sediments in the outer swings and deposits them in the inner swings. Under floods, the mass transport is more effective than usual, and the river can do great damage. There have been been big damaging floods through the ages, last in 1983.

The Etne river is best known for its salmon fishing. The fishing season lasts for about 100 days. The landowners' income from fishing-rentals alone amounts to about 1.5 million Norwegian crowns per year.

In the Etne water system the salmon swim all the up to Frettte. Some even fish for salmon at Øyno. Before a small salmon step was built, it was difficult for the smaller fish to pass Håfoss. Salmon swim also up Sør River to the regulated Lake Litledalsvatnet.

As is also the case in other areas of the country, there has been a decline in fish during past years. The total fish catch has varied from 7.7 tonnes in 1990 down to under 3 tonnes annually. Neither has the Etne river avoided problems with regulation of water levels, salmon lice and runaway aquaculture salmon, but the river still maintains a good, natural growth of salmon.


Etneelva har høg produksjon av vassinsekt, som i klekkinga skaper livsgrunnlag også for fugleartar som lever langt unna elva. I elvestrekninga nedanfor Stordalsvatnet finn vi den største, kjende vintersamlinga av fossekall i Hordaland. Det er sett fleire titals individ samstundes her, helst i kalde periodar, når vassføringa ikkje er større enn at fossekallane effektivt kan finna insektlarvar på botnen.


Fossekallen lever mykje av vårfluge- og steinflugelarvar, men saman med laksand og gråhegre tek han òg ein del fiskeyngel. Dei et likevel ikkje meir enn det naturen toler. Fossekallen er elles ein hardfør fiskar med uvanleg tett kropps- og beinbygnad, som gjer han rusta til eit liv i fossar og stryk. Det blir årleg ringmerkt mange fossekallar i Noreg. Ein del av dei er funne att i Sør-Sverige og Danmark om vinteren.

Storfangst etter fiske i Etneelva i byrjinga av førre hundreåret. (Etne Kommune)

See also

Places in muncipality